Lucia Kleint


I'm a professor at the University of Bern and a lecturer at FHNW in Switzerland. My research focuses on solar flares, solar magnetic fields, astronomical instrumentation, and the analysis of multi-wavelength data taken by spacecraft and ground-based instruments. I lead a SNF PRIMA grant working on machine learning applications for solar and stellar data analysis and a SERI-funded ERC CoG grant on the physics of the Sun, astronomical instrumentation, and machine learning. In the past, I worked on satellites (IRIS, Solar Orbiter) and I was the head of the German Solar Telescopes at the Observatorio del Teide in Tenerife and the lead scientist of GREGOR, Europe's largest solar telescope and led its optical redesign.

Prof. Dr. Lucia Kleint
Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern
Sidlerstrasse 5
CH-3012 Bern