Full list of publications on ADS
P. Judge, L. Kleint, R. Casini et al.: "C Magnetic fields and plasma heating in the Sun's atmosphere", ApJ, 960, 129, 2024
M. Rempel, G. Chintzoglou, M. Cheung, Y. Fan, L. Kleint: "Comprehensive radiative MHD simulations of flares above collisional polarity inversion lines", ApJ, 955, 105, 2023
P. Lindner, C. Kuckein, ..., L. Kleint et al.: "The role of the chromospheric magnetic canopy in the formation of a sunspot penumbra", A&A, 673, A64, 2023
B. Panos, L. Kleint, J. Zbinden: "Identifying Pre-Flare Spectral Features using Explainable Artificial Intelligence", A&A, 671, A73, 2023
C.J. Nelson & L. Kleint: "Investigating datasets with high IRIS burst prevalence", A&A, 668, 136, 2022
P. Judge, B. Bryans, ... L. Kleint et al.: "Optimal spectral lines for measuring chromospheric magnetic fields", ApJ, 941, 159, 2022
C.J. Nelson & L. Kleint: "IRIS burst properties in active regions", A&A, 666, 66, 2022
C. Quintero Noda, 281 authors total, L. Kleint et al: "The European Solar Telescope", A&A, 666, 21, 2022
L. Kleint & B. Panos: "Occurrence and statistics of IRIS bursts", A&A, 657, 132, 2022
T. Anan, T. Schad, ..., L. Kleint et al: "Measurements of photospheric and chromospheric magnetic field structures associated with chromospheric heating over a solar plage region", ApJ, 921, 39, 2021
A. F. Battaglia, J. Saqri, ..., L. Kleint et al: "STIX X-ray microflare observations recorded during the Solar Orbiter commissioning phase", A&A, in press, 2021
P. Judge, M. Rempel, ..., L. Kleint et al: "Measuring the magnetic origins of solar flares, CMEs and Space Weather", ApJ, 917, 27, 2021
B. Panos & L. Kleint: "Exploring mutual information between IRIS spectral lines. II. Calculating the most probable response in all spectral windows", ApJ, 915, 77, 2021
K. Barczynski, L. Harra, L. Kleint, B. Panos & D. Brooks: "A comparison of the active region upflow and core morphologies using simultaneous spectroscopic observations from IRIS and Hinode", A&A, 651, 112, 2021
G. D. Fleishman, L. Kleint, G. G. Motorina et al.: "Energy budget of plasma motions, heating, and electron acceleration in a three-loop solar flare", ApJ, 913, 97, 2021
B. Panos, L. Kleint & S. Voloshynovskiy: "Exploring mutual information between IRIS spectral lines. I: Correlations between spectral lines during solar flares and within the quiet Sun", ApJ, 912, 121, 2021
F. Auchere, V. Andretta, ..., L. Kleint, ...: "Coordination within the remote sensing payload on the Solar Orbiter mission", A&A, 642, 6, 2020
S. Krucker, G. Hurford, ..., L. Kleint, ...: "The Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX)", A&A, 642, 15, 2020
J. S. Castellanos Duran & L. Kleint: "The Statistical Relationship between White-light Emission and Photospheric Magnetic Field Changes in Flares", ApJ, 904, 96, 2020
P. Judge, L. Kleint, J. Leenaarts et al.: "New Light on an Old Problem of the Cores of Solar Resonance Lines", ApJ, 901, 32, 2020
L. H. M. Rouppe van der Voort, B. De Pontieu, M. Carlsson, ..., L. Kleint, ... et al.: "High-resolution observations of the solar photosphere, chromosphere, and transition region. A database of coordinated IRIS and SST observations", A&A, 641, 146, 2020
L. Kleint, T. Berkefeld et al.: "GREGOR: Optics Redesign and Updates from 2018-2020", A&A, 641, 27, 2020
C. Kuckein, S. J. Gonzalez Manrique, L. Kleint & A. Asensio Ramos: "Determining the dynamics and magnetic fields in He I 10830 Å during a solar filament eruption", A&A, 640, 71, 2020
B. Panos & L. Kleint: "Distinguishing between flaring and non-flaring active regions using machine learning and Mg II spectra", ApJ, 891, 1, 2020
I. G. Hannah, L. Kleint, S. Krucker, B.W. Grefenstette, L. Glesener, H. Hudson, S.M. White, D.M. Smith: "Joint X-ray, EUV and UV Observations of a Small Microflare", ApJ, 881, 109, 2019
D. Kuridze, M. Mathioudakis, H. Morgan, R. Oliver, L. Kleint, T.V.Zaqarashvili, A.Reid, J.Koza, M.G.Löfdahl, T. Hillberg, V. Kukhianidze, and A. Hanslmeier: "Mapping the magnetic field of flare coronal loops", ApJ, 874, 126, 2019
J. Jurcak, J. Kasparova, M. Svanda, L. Kleint: "Heating of the solar photosphere during a white-light flare", A&A, 620, 183, 2018
S. Jejcic, L. Kleint, P. Heinzel: "High-Density Off-Limb Flare Loops Observed by SDO", ApJ, 867, 134, 2018
L. Kleint, M. S. Wheatland, A. Mastrano, P. McCauley: "Nonlinear force-free modeling of flare-related magnetic field changes at the photosphere and chromosphere", ApJ, 865, 146, 2018
B. Panos, L. Kleint, C. Huwyler, S. Krucker, M. Melchior, D. Ullmann, S. Voloshynovskiy: "Identifying Typical Mg II Flare Spectra Using Machine Learning", ApJ, 861, 62, 2018
M. Švanda, J. Jurčák, J. Kašparová, L. Kleint: "Understanding the HMI Pseudocontinuum in White-light Solar Flares", ApJ, 860, 144, 2018
J. S. Castellanos Duran, L. Kleint, B. Calvo-Mozo: "A Statistical Study of Photospheric Magnetic Field Changes during 75 Solar Flares", ApJ, 852, 25, 2018
P. Heinzel, L. Kleint, J. Kašparová, S. Krucker: "On the Nature of Off-limb Flare Continuum Sources Detected by SDO/HMI", ApJ, 847, 48, 2017
L. Kleint & A. Gandorfer: "Prospects of solar magnetometry - from ground and in space", Space Science Reviews, 210, 397, 2017
F. Rubio da Costa & L. Kleint: "A Parameter Study for Modeling Mg II h and k Emission during Solar Flares", ApJ, 842, 82, 2017
L. Kleint, P. Heinzel, S. Krucker: "On the origin of the flare emission in IRIS' SJI 2832 filter: Balmer continuum or spectral lines?", ApJ, 837, 160, 2017
L. Kleint: "First Detection of Chromospheric Magnetic Field Changes During an X1-Flare", ApJ, 834, 26, 2017
N. Deng, V. Yurchyshyn, H. Tian, L. Kleint, C. Liu, Y. Xu, H. Wang: "Multi-wavelength Study of Transition Region Penumbral Subarcsecond Bright Dots Using IRIS and NST", ApJ, 829, 103, 2016
F. Rubio da Costa, L. Kleint, V. Petrosian, W. Liu, J. C. Allred: "Data-driven Radiative Hydrodynamic Modeling of the 2014 March 29 X1.0 Solar Flare", ApJ, 827, 38, 2016
Y. Xu, W. Cao, M. Ding, L. Kleint et al.: "Ultra-narrow Negative Flare Front Observed in Helium 10830 Å using the 1.6m New Solar Telescope", ApJ, 819, 89, 2016
L. Kleint, P. Heinzel, P. Judge, S. Krucker: "Continuum Enhancements in the Ultraviolet, the Visible, and the Infrared during the X1 flare on 2014 March 29", ApJ, 816, 88, 2016
M. Kuhar, S. Krucker, J. C. Martinez Oliveros, M. Battaglia, L. Kleint, D. Casadei, H. Hudson: "Correlation of hard X-ray and white light emission in solar flares", ApJ, 816, 6, 2016
J.C. Vial, G. Pelouze, P. Heinzel, L. Kleint, U. Anzer: "Observed IRIS Profiles of the h and k Doublet of Mg ii and Compa-rison with Profiles from Quiescent Prominence NLTE Models", SoPh, 291, 67, 2016
W. Liu, P. Heinzel, L. Kleint, J. Kasparova: "Mg II Lines Observed during the X-class Flare on 29 March 2014 by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph", SoPh, 290, 3525, 2015
P. Judge, L. Kleint, A. Sainz Dalda: "On helium line polarization during the impulsive phase of an X1 flare", ApJ, 814, 100, 2015
M. Battaglia, L. Kleint, S. Krucker, D. Graham: "How important are electron beams in driving chromospheric evaporation in the 2014 March 29 flare?", ApJ 813, 113, 2015
P.G. Judge, L. Kleint, H. Uitenbroek, et al.: "Photon Mean Free Paths, Scattering, and Ever-Increasing Telescope Resolution", SoPh 290, 979, 2015
C. Liu, N. Deng, R. Liu, ..., L. Kleint, ...: "A Circular-ribbon Solar Flare Following an Asymmetric Filament Eruption", ApJ 812, 19, 2015
L. Kleint, M. Battaglia, K. Reardon, A. Sainz Dalda, P.R. Young, S. Krucker: "The Fast Filament Eruption Leading to the X-flare on 2014 March 29", ApJ 806, 9, 2015
F. Rubio da Costa, L. Kleint, V. Petrosian, A. Sainz Dalda, W. Liu: "Solar Flare Chromospheric Line Emission: Comparison Between IBIS High-resolution Observations and Radiative Hydrodynamic Simulations", ApJ 804, 56, 2015
J. Martinez-Sykora, L. Rouppe van der Voort, M. Carlsson, ..., L. Kleint, ..., & the IRIS team: "Internetwork Chromospheric Bright Grains Observed With IRIS and SST", ApJ 803, 44, 2015
S. Krucker, P. Saint-Hilaire, H. Hudson, ..., L. Kleint, ...: "Co-Spatial White Light and Hard X-Ray Flare Footpoints Seen Above the Solar Limb", ApJ 802, 19, 2014
M.C.M. Cheung, B. De Pontieu, T.D. Tarbell, ..., L. Kleint, ..., & the IRIS team: "Homologous Helical Jets: Observations By IRIS, SDO, and Hinode and Magnetic Modeling With Data-Driven Simulations", ApJ 801, 83, 2015
P. Judge, L. Kleint, A. Donea, A. Sainz Dalda, L. Fletcher: "On the Origin of a Sunquake during the 2014 March 29 X1 Flare", ApJ 796, 85, 2014
V. Hansteen, B. De Pontieu, M. Carlsson, ..., L. Kleint, ..., & the IRIS team: "The unresolved fine structure resolved: IRIS observations of the solar transition region", Science 346E, 315, 2014
B. De Pontieu, L. Rouppe van der Voort, S. McIntosh, ..., L. Kleint, ... & the IRIS team: "On the prevalence of small-scale twist in the solar chromosphere and transition region", Science 346D, 315, 2014
H. Peter, H. Tian, W. Curdt, ..., L. Kleint, ..., & the IRIS team: "Hot explosions in the cool atmosphere of the Sun", Science 346C, 315, 2014
P. Testa, B. De Pontieu, J. Allred, ..., L. Kleint, ... & the IRIS team: "Evidence of nonthermal particles in coronal loops heated impulsively by nanoflares", Science 346B, 315, 2014
H. Tian, E. DeLuca, S.R. Cranmer, ..., L. Kleint, ... & the IRIS team: "Prevalence of small-scale jets from the networks of the solar transition region and chromosphere", Science 346A, 315, 2014
P. Heinzel & L. Kleint: "Hydrogen Balmer Continuum in Solar Flares Detected by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)", ApJ 794, 23, 2014
T.M.D. Pereira, B. De Pontieu, M. Carlsson, ..., L. Kleint, ..., & the IRIS team: "An Interface Region Imaging Spectro-graph First View on Solar Spicules", ApJ 792, 15, 2014
H. Tian, L. Kleint, H. Peter et al.: "Observations of Subarcsecond Bright Dots in the Transition Region above Sunspots with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph", ApJ 790, 29, 2014
B. De Pontieu, A.M. Title, J.R. Lemen, ..., L. Kleint, ... & the IRIS team: "The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)", SoPh 289, 2733, 2014
L. Kleint, P. Antolin, H. Tian, ... & the IRIS team: "Detection of Supersonic Downflows and Associated Heating Events in the Transition Region above Sunspots", ApJ 789, 42, 2014
H. Tian, E. DeLuca, ..., L. Kleint, ... & the IRIS team: "High-resolution Observations of the Shock Wave Behavior for Sunspot Oscillations with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph", ApJ 786, 137, 2014
L. Kleint, A. Sainz Dalda: "Unusual Filaments inside the Umbra", ApJ 770, 74, 2013
L. Kleint: "Spectropolarimetry of C-class Flare Footpoints", ApJ 748, 138, 2012
L. Kleint, A.I. Shapiro, S.V. Berdyugina, M. Bianda: "Solar turbulent magnetic fields: Non-LTE modeling of the Hanle effect in the C2 molecule", A&A 536, 47, 2011
L. Kleint, A. Feller, D. Gisler: "Imaging spectropolarimetry with two LiNbO3 Fabry Pérot interferometers and a spectrograph", A&A 529, 78, 2011
L. Kleint, S.V. Berdyugina, D. Gisler, A.I. Shapiro, M. Bianda: "Solar turbulent magnetic fields: surprisingly homogeneous distribution during the solar minimum", A&A 524, 37, 2010
L. Kleint, S.V. Berdyugina, D. Gisler, A.I. Shapiro, M. Bianda: "A synoptic program for large solar telescopes: Cyclic variation of turbulent magnetic fields", AN 331, 644, 2010